The colour wheel of the Chromobase is the indexing tool of a selection of coloured objects referenced in the database. It is based on the first colour systems including brightness and chroma published by the chemist Michel-Eugène Chevreul (1786-1889) in Colours and Their Application to Industrial Arts Using Chromatic Circles (1864). This was the result of Chevreul’s 25 years of research and experimentation with colour as the director of the Gobelins Dyeworks in Paris. Building on his earlier work entitled The Principles of Harmony and Contrast of Colours (1839), he devised a precise chromatic nomenclature which ascribed specific technical meanings to colour scale and nuance, thus establishing a highly detailed colour classification scheme. The first plate shows 72 hues at maximum chroma. This plate is followed by nine colour wheels shading progressively towards black. Diagramming the variations in colour obtained by the progressive addition of black to the basic colours of red, yellow, and blue, these ten chromatic circles present nearly 15,000 different shades of colour.

Psautier dit de saint Louis

artistic objects


Psautier dit de saint Louis F16

49% 0.67

26° 86% 0.85

239° 95% 0.86

Bottle of coralline

scientific & technical objects

Bottle of coralline 2/2

345° 62% 0.97

Lanafuchsine 6B concentrate

scientific & technical objects

Lanafuchsine 6B concentrate SLMC

14° 66% 0.72

Azofuchsine 6B

scientific & technical objects

8KU114.4.Pl4.36 Azofuchsine 6B

319° 69% 0.76

The Majolica Fountain in the International Exhibition

artistic objects


Majolica fountain

54° 88% 0.92

80% 0.95

197° 72% 0.92

Blue blot

artistic objects

Gartside blue blot

225° 97% 0.91

214° 38% 0.86

Fuchsine on cotton

scientific & technical objects

8KE152.1.489.27_1 Fuchsine on cotton

316° 59% 0.84

Silk skirt and blouse dyed with Perkin's Mauve Aniline Dye

artistic objects


Mauve aniline dyed dress

100% 1

275° 66% 0.84

Acid Azo-fuchsine 273

scientific & technical objects

P228_33_246_273_2 Acid Azo-fuchsine 273

349° 97% 0.88

Vue intérieure de la Sainte-Chapelle

artistic objects


Vue intérieure de la Sainte Chapelle 3/3

12° 86% 0.83

44° 82% 1

196° 78% 0.76

"Ponceau" red fuchsine on cotton

scientific & technical objects

P228.16.246_1 "Ponceau" red fuchsine on cotton

20° 85% 0.78

Crimson blot

artistic objects

Gartside crimson blot

340° 88% 0.86

324° 52% 0.95

Stereographic Views of the International Exhibition of 1862

artistic objects


Stereoscope Tinted Venus

34° 8% 0.98

37° 61% 0.95

197° 83% 0.89

Catalogue général de la parfumerie et savonnerie Gellé frères, vers 1885 et 1900

artistic objects


Catalogue général de la parfumerie et savonnerie Gellé frères, vers 1885.

28° 8% 0.95

100% 0.01

43° 45% 0.97

Azofuchsine 6B Bayer

scientific & technical objects

Azofuchsine 6B Bayer

328° 33% 0.74

Lanafuchsine 6B

scientific & technical objects

Lanafuchsine 6B

301° 62% 0.72

Athens, Erechtheion (406 BCE), guilloche molding of an exterior columnar capital with inlays of polychrome glass beads

artistic objects



196° 46% 0.87

61° 52% 0.88

286° 14% 0.82

Eight maiolica wares by the Ginori manufactory analysed by XRF spectroscopy at the Victoria and Albert Museum

artistic objects


Ginori maiolica wares

236° 67% 0.74

91% 0.65

54° 88% 0.98

35° 84% 0.9

The Great Bookcase

artistic objects


Bookcase full view

55° 55% 0.94

76% 0.75

196° 85% 0.77

Fuchsine of concentrated G-acid

scientific & technical objects

8KU114.5.PL12.93_2 Fuchsine with concentrated G-acid

332° 94% 0.96

Flower Study - Gentian

artistic objects



228° 72% 0.96

73° 77% 0.58

The Shadow of Death

artistic objects


The Shadow of Death

45° 22% 0.95

38° 54% 0.97

264° 4% 1

216° 41% 0.92

Yellow blot

artistic objects

Gartside yellow blot

59° 83% 0.98

107° 66% 0.68

343° 49% 0.68

Plate “colour contrasts”

artistic objects

Barnard’s plate

100% 0.95

131° 42% 0.69

51° 80% 0.88

204° 95% 0.92

100% 0.07

Red fuchsine on wool

scientific & technical objects

8FA38.2-2.575.29 Red of fuchsine on wool

338° 78% 0.88

Croquis faits au Musée des Monuments français

artistic objects


Croquis faits au Musée des Monuments français 1/2

Fuchsine Renard

scientific & technical objects


Fuchsine RENARD

297° 84% 0.73

90° 85% 0.6

Register of samples and correspondence, 1850-1930: letter from Camille Koechlin to Horace Koechlin, 4 August 1861

scientific & technical objects


Letter from Camille Koechlin to Horace Koechlin

249° 90% 0.72

287° 50% 0.7

310° 6% 0.88

Kaleidoscopic Colour-Top

scientific & technical objects


Kaleidoscopic colour top

60° 32% 0.98

136° 39% 0.99

211° 66% 1

87% 1

40° 86% 0.76

Purple fuchsine on silk

scientific & technical objects

8KE152.1.503.33 Purple fuchsine on silk

259° 59% 0.73

Acid fuchsine on wool & cotton

scientific & technical objects

MS152.169.IX.3_2 Acid fuchsine on wool & cotton

317° 60% 0.81

325° 5% 0.94

Barnard's sketchbook

artistic objects

Barnard's sketchbook

43% 0.84

60° 28% 0.99

100% 0.06

219° 45% 0.85

89° 81% 0.66

Detail of yellow and red lustre decoration on a Ginori bowl, seen under normal (left) and ranking light (right)

artistic objects


Lustre decorations

56° 75% 0.91

235° 77% 0.73

69% 0.8

Symphony in White, No. 1: The White Girl

artistic objects


Symphony in White n°1: The White Girl

90° 2% 0.92

299° 2% 0.98

36° 4% 0.96