Psautier dit de saint Louis
artistic objects

5° 49% 0.67
26° 86% 0.85
239° 95% 0.86
The colour wheel of the Chromobase is the indexing tool of a selection of coloured objects referenced in the database. It is based on the first colour systems including brightness and chroma published by the chemist Michel-Eugène Chevreul (1786-1889) in Colours and Their Application to Industrial Arts Using Chromatic Circles (1864). This was the result of Chevreul’s 25 years of research and experimentation with colour as the director of the Gobelins Dyeworks in Paris. Building on his earlier work entitled The Principles of Harmony and Contrast of Colours (1839), he devised a precise chromatic nomenclature which ascribed specific technical meanings to colour scale and nuance, thus establishing a highly detailed colour classification scheme. The first plate shows 72 hues at maximum chroma. This plate is followed by nine colour wheels shading progressively towards black. Diagramming the variations in colour obtained by the progressive addition of black to the basic colours of red, yellow, and blue, these ten chromatic circles present nearly 15,000 different shades of colour.
artistic objects
5° 49% 0.67
26° 86% 0.85
239° 95% 0.86
artistic objects
scientific & technical objects
345° 62% 0.97
scientific & technical objects
14° 66% 0.72
scientific & technical objects
319° 69% 0.76
artistic objects
54° 88% 0.92
7° 80% 0.95
197° 72% 0.92
artistic objects
225° 97% 0.91
214° 38% 0.86
scientific & technical objects
316° 59% 0.84
artistic objects
0° 100% 1
275° 66% 0.84
scientific & technical objects
349° 97% 0.88
artistic objects
12° 86% 0.83
44° 82% 1
196° 78% 0.76
scientific & technical objects
20° 85% 0.78
artistic objects
340° 88% 0.86
324° 52% 0.95
artistic objects
34° 8% 0.98
37° 61% 0.95
197° 83% 0.89
artistic objects
46° 6% 0.93
artistic objects
28° 8% 0.95
0° 100% 0.01
43° 45% 0.97
scientific & technical objects
328° 33% 0.74
scientific & technical objects
301° 62% 0.72
artistic objects
196° 46% 0.87
61° 52% 0.88
286° 14% 0.82
artistic objects
236° 67% 0.74
2° 91% 0.65
54° 88% 0.98
35° 84% 0.9
artistic objects
55° 55% 0.94
2° 76% 0.75
196° 85% 0.77
scientific & technical objects
332° 94% 0.96
artistic objects
228° 72% 0.96
73° 77% 0.58
artistic objects
artistic objects
45° 22% 0.95
38° 54% 0.97
264° 4% 1
216° 41% 0.92
artistic objects
59° 83% 0.98
107° 66% 0.68
343° 49% 0.68
artistic objects
0° 100% 0.95
131° 42% 0.69
51° 80% 0.88
204° 95% 0.92
0° 100% 0.07
scientific & technical objects
338° 78% 0.88
artistic objects
scientific & technical objects
297° 84% 0.73
90° 85% 0.6
scientific & technical objects
249° 90% 0.72
287° 50% 0.7
310° 6% 0.88
scientific & technical objects
60° 32% 0.98
136° 39% 0.99
211° 66% 1
7° 87% 1
40° 86% 0.76
scientific & technical objects
259° 59% 0.73
scientific & technical objects
317° 60% 0.81
325° 5% 0.94
artistic objects
1° 43% 0.84
60° 28% 0.99
0° 100% 0.06
219° 45% 0.85
89° 81% 0.66
artistic objects
artistic objects
56° 75% 0.91
235° 77% 0.73
1° 69% 0.8
artistic objects
90° 2% 0.92
299° 2% 0.98
36° 4% 0.96